Science behind Ganesh Chaturthi - Why do we celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi

After the Ganesh Chathurthi celebration, we dissolve Lord Ganesha's statue in water bodies. And this practice has a scientific significance. Let us see about this in detail.

Ganesh Chaturthi is a grand festival celebrated in all parts of India. During this festival, we buy lord Ganesha's statue, worship him and then dissolve him in the water bodies. Commonly Ganesh Chathurthi falls by August and September. This is the pre-monsoon period. Monsoon starts in October. 

Monsoon season puts forth a high risk of waterborne disease spread. To prevent this our ancestors used 21 herbs to worship lord Ganesha and then dissolved lord Ganesha's statues together with all those 21 herbs.  These 21 herbs have high antimicrobial properties and other relative properties which help in preventing waterborne disease spread from our nearby water bodies. This plays a major role in disease control. 

And the other scientific reason is Lord Ganesha's statue those days were done with Clay sand. Generally, after the summer season, the water levels in rivers, ponds, lakes reduce tremendously. This will cause a drought-like effect on the sand, this will make the rainwater flow through the cracks and settle within the river bed. This will result in water scarcity due to the loss of water. So the role of clay sand here is to block the crack formed on the soil. So this will prevent water loss and conserve water for the future. And new research states that clay sand helps to purify water by making the impurities settle down. So this will produce clean water. And in some houses, people make God Ganesha with turmeric and dissolve that in water bodies, as we all know turmeric has antimicrobial properties and helps purify water. 

And the next is about the delicious dish of Ganesh Chaturthi popularly known as Mohawk. This is a steamed dish made with coconut and jaggery. Coconut is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, it enhances immunity and maintains heart health. Having this during seasonal change has a greater health benefit. Jaggery helps to treat cold, cough, fever which is why it has been used for years in traditional medicine. It helps improve immunity which protects us from seasonal diseases. And intaking steamed food during the seasonal shift will protect us from digestion problems. So this modhak is to make us fit for the seasonal change.

If you watch keenly, in ancient days traditionally God Ganesha's statue was made with clay sand, and dissolving it had a positive impact on water bodies. But today we dissolve God Ganesha statue made up of marble powder,  what impact will it cause on dissolving it in water bodies?? 

Our ancestors used 21 herbs to worship God Ganesha. But we instead are painting green garlands on his statue. What beneficial act are we doing?? 

So the problem is not with our festival, it is with how we update the festival with changing times and technology. 

So by understanding the science behind these practices and following it, we'll always be on the right track. 

So this is the scientific reason for celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi. Thank you.


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