
Showing posts with the label space science

Proof for Alien existence - Paintings in Charama

Do aliens exist?? Though researchers work so hard to find the answer to this question, it always ends up in vain. We couldn't even find a single piece of evidence that proves alien existence. But astonishingly a 10,000-year-old painting in the caves of Charama depicts aliens.  A 10,000-year-old painting was found in the Charama region of Chhattisgarh India. It was found out by an archaeologist JR Bhagat. He found this in the caves of Charama. The paintings of the caves depict aliens, humanoids, UFOs, etc. The archeology department of Chattisgarh confirms it to be a 10,000 old painting.  This painting now drives the attention of researchers worldwide. Many post various thoughts over these findings. Some say this would be painted by aliens themselves, some say that this must be painted by humans who were in contact with aliens, some say that this must be the painting of ancient humans, some say this may also be the depictions of dragons or animals mentioned in ancient India...

NASA Vs Thirunallar

  Shaneeshwaran temple in Thirunallar is a world-famous temple dedicated to the god Shani. Viral news has been spread that NASA has released a statement that while crossing Thiruvalluvar temple a satellite has lost its signal connectivity . So let us see how was the signal blocked because of the Thiruvalluvar temple.  Thirunallar Saneeshwaran temple is located in Karaikal, Tamilnadu. This temple is so special to God Shani . And the main reason why people visit this temple is to worship God Shani and perform ritual remedies and compensations . Among navagrahas designated by our ancestors, Shani Graha is considered to be the most powerful one. Shani Graha is considered inauspicious as his presence will make things fall down. Peoples feel terrified of Shani's presence in their birth star. Thirunallar temple is a special temple dedicated to such a Powerful God.  So now it has been said that NASA has released a statement that when a satellite in space crossed over the Thiruna...

Thiruvalluvar Vs Space Science

We know that the Earth we live on is Round shaped . But how did our ancestors predict the Earth's shape initially?? How is thirukural related to this?? To know about this concept in detail let's get started with the blog. Earth's shape was a huge controversy during ancient times. Because Some believed it to be round and some flat. And finally, our ancestors came to a conclusion with the concept of round-shaped earth . But then there are some secret descriptions in Thirukural and rig Veda that mention exactly about earth's shape and movement even before others could predict.  So the 1031 th Thirukurral written by Thiruvalluvar states that சுழன்றும்ஏர்ப் பின்னது உலகம் அதனால்  உழந்தும் உழவே தலை. So the meaning of this Thirukural is Although the earth revolves around many changes, agriculture is the source of the global functions.  So we'll mark two words from this kural one revolves  and the 2nd is earth . So the meaning of revolving is circular movement and ea...