Thiruvalluvar Vs Space Science

We know that the Earth we live on is Round shaped. But how did our ancestors predict the Earth's shape initially?? How is thirukural related to this?? To know about this concept in detail let's get started with the blog.

Earth's shape was a huge controversy during ancient times. Because Some believed it to be round and some flat. And finally, our ancestors came to a conclusion with the concept of round-shaped earth. But then there are some secret descriptions in Thirukural and rig Veda that mention exactly about earth's shape and movement even before others could predict. 

So the 1031th Thirukurral written by Thiruvalluvar states that
சுழன்றும்ஏர்ப் பின்னது உலகம் அதனால் 

உழந்தும் உழவே தலை.

So the meaning of this Thirukural is Although the earth revolves around many changes, agriculture is the source of the global functions.

 So we'll mark two words from this kural one revolves and the 2nd is earth. So the meaning of revolving is circular movement and earth is the place we live. 

If an object is said to be revolving it can only be round or sphere-shaped but it cannot be a flat-shaped object. So as we all know earth revolves on its own axis as that is the motion of Earth and we also know that only round objects can undergo a revolution. So earth can only be round. According to this Thirukurral, Thiruvalluvar has indirectly claimed that the Earth is round-shaped

Historically the first person to define Earth's shape was A Greek Philosopher called Pythagoras. And he claimed this concept in the 6th century BC. But the crucial point here is that we don't know the exact dating of Thirukural and archeologists estimate it to be about the 5th century CE

However, Thiruvalluvar and our ancestors wouldn't have told us the concepts of Greek philosophers because Vascodagama entered India in 1498 and it may be about 1000 years after the composition of Thirukural. And some researchers and archeologists state that no country was in contact with India before Vascodagama's entry. That is nobody knows about a place in India before Vascodagama's entry and hence the statement Vascodagama discovered India.
So there is no possibility that Thiruvalluvar would have had connections with Greek Philosophers and told their concepts. So Thiruvalluvar and our ancestors were individually clear about
Earth's shape

Next is the description in Rig Veda which clearly explains the shape of earth along with the movement of Earth and also about the day and night formation. And this rig Veda is 5000 years old. What's more surprising is that a 5000-year-old scripture completely explains the motion of the earth and its shape. 5000 years ago is something where no humans all over the world would haven't even thought about the shape and movement of Earth. So our ancestors were so early to predict the shape and movement of Earth

On considering the descriptions from Thirukural and Rig Veda it is clear that our ancestors were the first to describe the shape and movement of Earth.

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