Is age a Barrier for marriage??


Usually, our ancestors instructed boys not to marry an elder girl. Have you ever thought why?? There is a hidden scientific reason behind these instructions. So we'll see in detail about this concept in this blog. 

This video is just to explain the scientific reason behind the concept of marrying elder girls said by our ancestors and is not to offend any individuals and societal beliefs.

From ancient times to till date we are advised and instructed by people not to marry elder girls or younger boys. The main reason for this concept is the difference in brain development of women and men.

From the 1990s990s's to date many experiments and research are being carried out on the concept of male and female brain development.

Specifically, in 1998 a scientist named Nirao Shah conducted a major experiment on this. He segregated peoples based on age and conducted experiments to understand their psychology.

First, he conducted studies with born babies of about 2 to 5 months. He evidently found that girl babies show higher brain development than boy babies. Face expression, sensibility, speech, the activity of girl babies were dominant and higher than boy babies. Then he conducted experiments with children of 3 to 4 years and sequentially made studies with different age groups of people.

Finally, after analyzing the results he came to a conclusion that the brain development of females is higher than males. The brain development of a 10-year-old girl is equal to the brain development of a 15-year-old girl. That is a female's brain development is 5 years higher than males.

Now, let us see what is the relationship between this and marrying an elder girl. In case, if the couple has the same age or the girl is elder than the boy, the girl's maturity is higher than the boy. When it comes to the part of the decision making the girl's decision will be with high maturity but the boy's decision will be childish.

And this will result in many misunderstandings and conflicts. This will be the root cause for problems relating to Dominance, self-esteem, self-respect, etc. Sometimes it may also lead to relationship break-ups. In case the girl is younger both the male and female's brain development will be at the same state. So in that case nobody's thoughts will be dominant and there will be a mutual understanding between the couples that avoid problems between their relationships.

On considering this concept and scientific reason our ancestors have instructed us not to marry elder girls or younger boys.

Have a look at our Youtube Channel Mythical Science:

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