
Nanotechnology evidence discovered in Keezhadi - Tamilnadu

  Keezhadi excavation is something that never fails to astonish people all around the world. Things and findings excavated from Kheezhadi have a turnover in Archeology and recently one such element identified in Keezhadi is expected to bring a revolution in modern science. So we'll see in detail about this excavated material in this blog.  Kheezadi excavation has started for years.  And recently archeologists have found a new element. On 21st November 2020   India's leading newspaper has released an article on this excavation and they have stated that archeologists have unearthed a unique black coated pot and on testing the black coating it was found out to be carbon nanotube material .  A carbon Nanotube is a nanoparticle that plays an important role in nanotechnology . It is too smaller in size. Recently it is being used in various researches . It plays a major role in the construction of Electronic devices, energy storage, optics, space vehicles and it is also used i

Thiruvalluvar Vs Space Science

We know that the Earth we live on is Round shaped . But how did our ancestors predict the Earth's shape initially?? How is thirukural related to this?? To know about this concept in detail let's get started with the blog. Earth's shape was a huge controversy during ancient times. Because Some believed it to be round and some flat. And finally, our ancestors came to a conclusion with the concept of round-shaped earth . But then there are some secret descriptions in Thirukural and rig Veda that mention exactly about earth's shape and movement even before others could predict.  So the 1031 th Thirukurral written by Thiruvalluvar states that சுழன்றும்ஏர்ப் பின்னது உலகம் அதனால்  உழந்தும் உழவே தலை. So the meaning of this Thirukural is Although the earth revolves around many changes, agriculture is the source of the global functions.  So we'll mark two words from this kural one revolves  and the 2nd is earth . So the meaning of revolving is circular movement and ea


According to our scriptures, ancestors, and some Vedas. Peepal tree is linked with Pregnancy and baby formation. How can a tree enhance baby formation??  So we'll have a deep dig on this...  PEEPAL TREE:  Peepal tree is commonly found in a normal Indian locality like streets temples etc. We guess it be a commonly grown tree but the fact is that it is completely different from its growth to its functions . So before getting on to the scientific concepts let us see how special was this peepal tree in the aspect of our ancestors. ANCESTORS VIEW: According to our ancestors, the peepal tree was so sacred. They have made so many medicinal formulations with peepal trees. And the most important point to be noticed is that our ancestors have instructed newly married couples to tie cradles onto the branches of peepal trees for the baby formation and advised pregnant ladies to walk around neem and peepal tree together for healthy baby birth. So these were the thoughts of our ancestors but


Our ancestors have always told us some scary ghost stories and incidents. But behind all these events there is some hidden science and one among them is a ghost in the tree. ANCESTORS STORY: So our ancestors have instructed us not to go near trees or sleep under them after 6pm and if we do so the ghost in the tree will strangle our neck and will try to kill us. But behind this event, there are some scientific reasons.  Let us see about this in detail... RESPIRATION: Respiration is the process of taking in Oxygen and releasing out Carbon dioxide. During respiration, all living organisms take in oxygen and release out Carbon dioxide. TWO PROCESSES: Similarly, plants and trees undergo two processes. They are: 1. Photosynthesis. 2. Respiration. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: RESPIRATION: WHY PHOTOSYNTHESIS ??  We humans eat food to generate the energy needed for our bodies.  Similarly, plants undergo photosynthesis to prepare their own food and generate energy .  SCIENCE IN GHOST: So during photosynt


KUMBHAKARNA: Kumbhakarna is an important character in Ramayana. He is the younger brother of Ravan , the demon king. That is he belonged to the asura clan. He was a giant with greater height and weight which made him the strongest warrior of the epic. Kumbhakarna was a great devotee of God Brahma. BOON TURNED OUT TO BE BANE: Kumbhakarna was the greatest devotee of God Brahma. He was on a severe penance worshipping Lord Brahma. As a result lord, Brahma granted him a boon to ask anything he wanted. So Kumbhakarna made this an opportunity to defeat devas and asked for the position of Indra the leader of devas as a boon,  which panicked the Devas. They wanted to stop this and requested Maa Saraswathi to help them. And Maa Saraswathi to help the Deva's tied the tongue of Kumbhakarna when he was about to ask the boon. As a result of which he mispronounced the words. He intended to ask for Indrasana which was mispronounced to be Nidrasana. And he wanted to ask for Nirdevatam which w